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Consumer and Community Advisory Committee

Consumers are people who have lived experience of a health issue or disease, and include patients, their families, carers, and members of the general public. Consumer engagement is an important aspect of planning and conducting clinical trials, as their involvement can ensure that recommendations made for them are consistent with their values and preferences.

The BEAT-Calci team understand that research needs to be performed in collaboration with consumers, and so have developed the BEAT-Calci Consumer and Community Advisor Committee (CCAC). The CCAC are responsible for providing advice and feedback on the content and readability of participant facing information, trial progress reports, trial result statements and other participant facing components of the research.

The BEAT-Calci CCAC is delegated the primary role of assisting the sponsor in shaping study delivery and sharing research knowledge with the community at large. The CCAC are also tasked with promoting the trial and encouraging trial participation through the sharing of trial information and findings through public talks, lectures and social media. We are currently looking to recruit additional members to the CCAC. For further information on the CCAC and how to join, please use the enquiry form on our Contact Us page.

Meet a Member

Nicki Scholes-Robertson (CCAC)

Nicole (Nicki) Scholes-Robertson

Nicki is a patient partner, physiotherapist, and a 3rd Year PhD candidate at the Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney. In 2014, Nicki commenced peritoneal dialysis and was fortunate to receive a living donor kidney transplant from her brother in November that year. Nicki is an advocate for consumer involvement in research and particularly in clinical trials. Nicki is the Consumer Editor of Cochrane Kidney and Transplant and a consumer member of many research groups including Beat-Calci. Most recently she has been chosen as the Volunteer of the Year – Individual Award in the 2019 Hunter new England Health Awards, Armidale Citizen of the year 2021 and a Finalist in the 2021 NSW Regional Woman of the year awards. In her spare time Nicki loves to grow roses.  

Consumer Payment Process

Expenses that are reasonable and necessary for your participation in our consumer involvement activities will usually be covered by the study as per the process outlined below.